Date of issuance: This appears on the top right or left side of an experience letter, and is an important element of an Experience Certificate, as it shows the date up to which the employee has served the company.If you want to write a precise experience letter then you must keep some important points in mind. It is an official document and it must contain some particular elements to add to its authenticity. This certificate has a certain structure and format that must be followed while writing it. It not only validates their experience on a specific post, but also highlight their major contributions towards an organization. This makes the certificate a very significant document for jobseekers.

This certificate proves that the candidate holds a valid experience as it is mentioned in the CV. When applying for a job, a number of employers now ask for an Experience Certificate from candidates claiming to hold an experience in a particular company. This kind of certificate is normally issued when an employee leaves a company to join another one. Employers have to write an Experience Certificate addressed to employees, confirming that he or she was a part of the organization for a particular time period, and it also attest the contributions made by the employee and the skills that he or she possess.